Bull Dog Puppy Experiences Rain For The First Time And Doesn't Know What The Fuck To Think



We laugh and say that’s adorable (because it is fucking adorable) but how wild does it have to be for the dog? A bunch of water falling from the sky for seemingly no reason.  It’s even more wild that he’ll never get the answer. That bull dog puppy will live out the rest of his life and never get an explanation. He’ll just get used to rain at some point. It’s also gotta be frustrating for the dog to see the human not be baffled by the rain fall.  Like that pup has gotta be thinking, “Are you seeing this shit?! Water dropping from the damn sky!” As a human, something happens and we immediately have to find out what it is and what’s causing it.  That’s what humans do. That’s what makes us human.  That’s how we’ve ever discovered anything.  Dogs?  No fucking clue what’s happening at all times and won’t ever get to find out. I think that’s gotta be frustrating but that’s because I’m a stupid human. Dogs are blissfully ignorant. Just running around in the rain despite having no idea what it is. Being a dog would be the coolest.

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